IV. Dog
(379-386) Ancestors
(387) Dream - Mama Price Dying
(388-391) Ancestory of Mothers
(392-394) Mama Prices Influence on Great Mother Archetype
(395-399) Exploration of Feminism
(400) Dream - My Dog, Happy
(401-414) The Dogma of Individualism
(415-418) Gebser零 Five Stages of Consciousness
(419-420) Self as Content in Art
(421) Environmental Ethics as Related to Gebser零 Five Stages
Integrated Consciousness and Ethics
(422) Mental/Rational Environmental Ethics
(423) Deep Ecology
(424) Mythic Ecosophy
(425-428) Models of Goodness
(429) Review of Jerry Hunt Performance on A Day Without Art
(430-431) Challenge to Artists
(432) Novena in an Ethical Context
(433) Jesse Helms Essay
(434-436) Response to Essay
(437) Paranoia Dream
(438) Defense of the NEA
(439-441) Art and Pluralism
(442-450) Family Values
Reflections on Reflections of Reflections: Essay on Camera Lucida
(460) Legend of Quetzacoatl零 Return
(461-472) Events Leading Up To the Novena for Quetzalcoatl
A Novena for Quetzalcoatl
(474-475) Day 1 - Purification
(476-477) Day 2 - Separation of the Wheat from the Chaff
(478-479) Day 3 - Cooperation or Competition
(480-481) Day 4 - Point of No Return
(482-483) Day 5 - The Critical Mid-Point
(484-485) Day 6 - Harmony of Opposites
(486-487) Day 7 - Victory
(488) Day 8 - Ascendancy of the Light
(489-492) Day 9 - Realization of the New Jerusalem
(493-502) Reintegrating After the Performance
(503) Dream about Performance Artist
(504-507) Response to Tape of Novena for Quetzalcoatl
(508) Rachel零 Birthday
(509) Dream - Mama Price Dying (Part II)
(510) Funeral Service at the Santa Fe Indian School
(511-513) Afterlife
(514) The Ghost Dance Religion
(515) Return of Quetzacoatl
(516) White Buffalo (Articles from the Internet)
(517) The Legend of the White Buffalo
(518-519) American Legend is Made Flesh Nolonger Mythical White Buffalo a Beacon to Plains Tribes ....
(520) Thunder
(521) White Buffalo a Top Draw for County Tourism
(522-523) White Buffalo Medicine Wheel Gathering
(524-525) The Story of White Buffalo Calf Woman - As Told by Joseph Chasing Horse, Traditional Leader of the Lakota Nation
(526) Hau Young Owl Hatching
(527) The White Buffalo
(528) Lakota Chief Perfoms White Buffalo Ceremony
(529-530) White Buffalo Calf Woman
The Quiet People
(531) It零 a Miracle! A White Buffalo, Symbol of Native American Rebirth and World Harmony, is Born in Janesville
(532) South Dakota Novena
(533) Grandmamas Secret
(534) Nathaniel Martin零 Application for Cherokee Enrollment
(535) Exploitation
(536-537) Blood Obligation
(538-540) Integral Consciousness and Prophecy
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