III. Lion
- (178) - Introduction to the Lion
- (179-180) Soft Tablets
- (214-234) Reflections on Reflections: Some Implications of Quantum Electrodynamics
- (235) Artificial Intelligence and Consciousness
- (250-251) Free Will(266-281) Birdman for President
- (282-291) Ideological Concerns
- (292) Aus den Sieben Tagen
- (293) Theatre Piece, Intensity, Meeting Point, It, Gold Dust
- (294-295) Beginning the Fast
- (296) Thinking Like Dreaming
- (297) Do You Realize What You Did? You Walked Through Your Eyes!
- (298) My Body is Screaming!
- (299) Busy Doing Nothing
- (300) Getting Ready to Play
- (301) Bring the Prasadam
- (302) Playing
- (303) Interviews
- (304) Right Durations, Unlimited, Connection, Night Music, Set Sail for the Sun
- (305) Downwards, Communion, Upwards
- (306) Arrival
- (307) Altered States
- (325-328) The Lion and the Lizard
- (329-341) The Birth of the Novena Project
- (342-345) Art as a Sacred Activity
- (346-348) Popular Definition of an Artist
- (349-351) Mass Murder Dream
- (352-370) Possible Criticisms of this Work and my Responses to Them
- (371) Interview with the Birdman
- (372) Kin
- (373) Shamanic Initiatory Dream
- (374-377) Jungšs Experience
- (378) Closing Prayer
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