
The draughtman's compasses,
The carpenter's square,
The water-level and plumb-line;
No similarities are manifested.

Killing and begetting
Are mutual arrows.
Central Harmony is the Way.


I plunge repeatedly into your deep well,
Sacrificing old life for new,
And prepare the greatest nourishment for myself
By throwing away all prefabrications.

You impart the deep wisdom of your soul;
Mysteries of receptive flux;
And of Love's protection, power, and healing
Through all your deepest openings.

Darkness from pain and sorrow reveals a light
Pure, penetrating, too clear to be seen,
Yet it illumines, where once were shadows of doubt,
With hope and the grace of pure love.

Pure love engenders pure love
Making the empty full
And it causes me to wonder why
A gift so precious can be given to one so unworthy,
Yet made worthy by his own love.

By my love, I can be you
And learn your wisdom firsthand.
I can feel your feelings, experience your pain,
And give comfort and service to one most worshipful.

Yet we have become so mixed
That I find that what best serves you serves me.
My penetrating into your inner most depths
Reveals my own as well.

Surely as we apply ourself
To concerns involving others
We will display a special power
And move like two eyes on the same head.

Will the pleasure we give each other seem selfish
Because we are neglecting others,
Or shall pleasure be our meditation and offering
By which the world is uplifted with our spirit?

My life has started over
By the initiation of your womb.
I must be suckled by you for some time
Before I am able to serve others as a deeper soul.

next page.

title page.