The granary of intelligence for the hen
Unlike the lodging place of the oriole.

I must interrupt this poetic moment to mention that, although I am in the section concerning the Lizard/Muse, the voice has mostly been from the Lion/Krishna who loves the Muse. It may be quite obvious that the voice in each of these poems is very male. I have tried writing from a feminine perspective (of the one these poems are about) concerning a Novena that we performed together as a duet and for an audience of two (ourselves). That will come later in this chapter. Let us continue with these poems for the Muse for a while. Watch as these issues discussed earlier arise and are dealt with in each of these poems recommended by the T'ai Hsuan Ching.


To err in law, a year's merit and skill.

Lots of Liquid

Lots of liquid leaps long lengths along my lady's legs
Licking and letting us laugh like little lads and lasses
Allaying with lilting fa-la-la's.
I like to lap my lady's liquor while licking her labium lightly
And longing to lay my lithe lingam along her lissome lips
Lacking little lacteal liquid while lancing my lady's lap.
How I languish to light my lady's lantern latticed by translucent lace
Until a lather laves like lava leaving my lecherous face.
Let us lick and lick and lick and lick to find our leaky limits
And allow no local law to lose this liberty while we live.
Lord, this lunatic lover loves you for his lady's loins.
Oh please let love's luxurious labor last and last and last!

next page.

title page.