Mitakuye Oyasin

The Lakota phrase, Mitakuye Oyasin, meaning "We are all related," seems very true to me now after exploring my family genealogy.  One may get an idea of how many ancestors one has by using the number of geneations one is going back to as a power of 2.  For example, the number of generations going from me to John Price, the Immigrant in the early 1600's is about 10.  2 to the power of 10 is 1024.  That is about how many people to whom I would be directly related up until that time.  It astounds me to think about how much love I have for my children and how much love my parents have for me, and their parents for them . . . and how many people are involved in this generational "love-chain." Of course many of these people could be distant cousins, as I know that some are (some not so distant), therefore this number would be reduced by the number of those relationships.  Now, the following is from attempts to trace the family back another 127 generations.  One could possibly have 134,217,728 ancestors within 27 generations.  Of course the number cannot go up exponentially indefinitely, even to the power of 127, without the overlapping becoming a major factor in these calculations.  It is not difficult, therefore to surmise that we very possibly are all related even if one does not believe in the existace of Adam and Eve as the first man and woman.  My few native American ancestors known to me increase exponentially to other Native Americans who were often from other tribes.  Even the racism that has been prevelant in the United States does not make it so unlikely that "Whites" are related to African Americans.  The racism just works against our knowing about it.  I believe that the very real familial relationship that we have with each other proves sufficiently that we really must love each other as we do members of our own families because we are all one family.

The following is compiled mostly by reconciling two different Heraldic Visitations plus information gathered from the books Journey to Avalon, The Bloodline of the Holy Grail (which I assume is based on the legends honored by some members of the Stewart family and used to make some other claims based on further conjectures by the author), Ancestors and Descendants of John Price, The White Goddess by Robert Graves, and the Aeneid of Vergil.  It goes back to mythical personages and, therefore, is an interesting study of the evolution of idealogies. Charles Squires states in his book, Celtic Myths and Legends, that the Celtic gods have over time degenerated into being seen as human ancestors. I don't really know exactly where the myth ends and the history begins in this genealogy. The latest person mentioned in this genealogy is John Price, a Welsh gentleman who came to Virginia in 1610-11.  Our family tradition states that we are descended from him through an undefined relationship to the Confederate General Sterling Price.  Most of the Price's in this country are likely descended from this John Price.

The two visitations match up pretty well after Aeneus so I combined them after him giving preference to the Visitation of Shropshire. The Heraldic Visitation of Wales by Lewys Dwnn matches The Aeneid of Vergil up to Saturn.

Heraldic Visitation of Wales by Lewys Dwnn - Vol. 1 - p. 310

1. Adam
2. Seth
3. Enos
4. Eainon
5. Mahalaleel
6. Jared
7. Enoch
8. Mathusalem
9. Lamech
10. Noah
11. Japeth
12. Javan
13. Septem
14. Cyprus
15. Brutus
16. Siluius
17. Saturnus
18. Jupiter
19. Dardan (Dardanus)
20. Eurecthonius
21. Traes (Tros)
22. Assaracus
23. Capius (Capys)
24. Anchises = Venus
25. Aeneas

From the Visitation of Shropshire in 1600's:


Javan (2)

Iobaath (3)

Baath (4)

Izrau (5)

Ezra (6)

Rhea (7)

Abir (8)

Oth (9)

Ecthet (10)

Aurthach (11)

Ethach (12)

Mair (13)

Simeon (14)

Boib (15)

Thous (16)

Ougomun (17)

Fetebir (18)

Alanus (19)

Hessitio (20)

Franks (21)

Japheth (22)

Javan (23)

Elishah (24)

Dardanus (25)

Trous (26)

Anchises (27)

Aeneas (28) Lavinia daughter of Latinus

Anscanius (Aesanus) (Julus) (29)

Silvius (Siluius) (30)1 Married Laviniaís Niece.

Brutus (31) married Ignoge. He was the first to colonize the British
mainland after the Flood, and was Britianís first King. His wife Ignoge, the daughter  of a Greek King named Pandrasus, was married to Brutus against her will.

Locrinus (32) married Gwendolen daughter of Corineus. Cornieus Corenius joined forces with Brutus in his migration to the Britian mainland and shared the same ancestry with him though it is unclear how. During the process of colonization, Cornieus was apportioned the part of Britian that still bears his name, Cornwall. For sometime Cornwall was a seperate and independant kingdom. On the death of Brutus the island was divided between Locrins and his brothers. Locrinusí kingdom consisted of what now is England, with the exception of Cornwall, which retained itís independants. His kingdom was known for a long time by his name Loegria and even today the Welsh call England Loegre. Gwendolen, the daughter of Cornieus, married Loctrinus as she had pledged, but on the death of her father, Loctrinus deserted her in favour of Estrildis. In vengence, Gwendolen roused up her fathers kingdom of Cornwall against Locrinus and he was killed in the battle. As now undisputed ruler of Loegria, Gwendolen gave the order to execute by drowning Estrildis, and her daughter Habren, born of the adultery. Gwendolen ruled for 15 years then relinquished the thrown to her son Madden retiring to Cornwall where she died.

Madden (Madoch) (33) ruled for forty years.

Mampricius (Mymbyr) (34) A noted tyrant, he murderded his brother Malin, deserted his unlawful wife in favour of unnatural practices, and misruled the kingdom. In the twentiwth year of his reign he was seperated from his hunting party, surrounded by wolves, and eaten.

Ebraucus (Enrog Cadarn) (35) took the crown at his fathers death. His reign is remembered fondly, he sacked Gual, founded the city of Kaerbrauch which bore his name. Romans later preserved his name as Eboracum, modern York.

Brutus (36)  GreenShield Ebraucus eldest son took the crown at his fathers death.

Leil (Dareanlas) (37)  succedding his father he founded the ciry Kaefeil, known today as Carlisle. He Reigned twenty-five years ended due to civil war.

Hudibras (Lleon) (38)  ended the civil war his father began and founded the towns of Canterbury and Winchester.

Bladud (Ryn Baladr Boas) (Bluddyd) (39) a leper. He ruled over Leogria (England) for twenty years, founding the city of Bath. He outlawed practices of Necromancy throughout his kingdom. He was killed in one of the earliest attempts to fly.

Leir (Lyr) (Lear) (40)  succedded his father as the 17th King of England. He is immortilized in the works of William Shakespearís King Lear which recalls the event of his reign.

Regan (Ragan) (41) secound daughter of Leir  married Henwinus, Duke of Cornwall. With her sister Goneril she deposed Queen Cordia (also her sister) to prison where shelater commited suicide.

Cunedaglus (Cynydd) (42) Originally ruled the territory south of Humber, he became King of all Britian after killing Marganus I.

Rivallo (Rhiwallon) (43) a king who ruled wisely and is remembered for the ìrain of bloodî which fell from the skies.  Freak weather conditions produced red showers of rain, great swarms of flies, and a plague that took a heavy toll.

Gurgustius (Greust) (44)

Sissillius (Serial) (45)

Jago (Antonius) (46)  Other documents state that Jago was Gurgustius Newphew not grandson as these documents imply.

Kimarcus (Haedd Mawr - BC 1300) (47)

Gorboduc (48) married Judon. Judon became distressed over her quarreling sons. On learning that Porrex killed Ferrex her favorite,she went insane, and hacked him to pieces in his sleep.

Ferrex (49) With the help of Suhard, King of Franks, led a military expedition against his younger brother Porrex and was killed in the battle.

Unknown (50) it is unknown the name of this person. This was a time of civil war.

Pinner (Deu farch?) (51)

Cloten (Donion?) (52) King of Cornwall

Dunvallo (Maelmud) (53) succedded his father as King of Corwall he later gained the title King of Britian. He codified the Molmutine Laws. He reigned for about forty years, during which crimes and violence were virtually unheard of.

Belinus (Beli) (54) Buvalloís Oldest son married Tonuuenna. He ruled Leogria, Cambria, and Cornwall. His brother Brennius held Northumbri and Albany until Belinus defeated him and thus cam to rule all Britian.  A great road builder Billingsgate in London is named after him.  King of Demark bestowed a tribute to him.  (Robert Graves states that this story is about a people who worshiped Beli overcoming a
people who worshiped Bran.  This interpretation helps to remind me that
we're not necessarily dealing with objective reality here but that these
conflicting genealogies are also about conflicting idealogies.)

Gurguit (Gwrgan Farfdrwch) (55) During his reign the King of Denmark withdrew the tribute that Belinus had extracted, Gurguit promptly invaded Denmark to assert his authority. It was during his return from Denmark that he intercepted the ships of Partholan and his fellow exiles assigning them to Ireland.

Guilthelin (56) noted as a benevolent ruler he married Queen Marcia, a learned woman who codified the Marcia Laws. King Alferd the great later translated the code as the Mercian Laws, beleiving them to have been named for a much later Saxon kingdom of Mercia. Queen Marcia ruled Britian for many years after the death of her husband.

Sisillius II (Seysyllt Cyhelyn) (57)

Danius (Dan) (58) married Tanguesteala

Morvidus (Morydd) (59) An otherwise heroic ruler he was noted for his fercious temper.During his reign reports of a monsterous animal caused havoc in the
land. Morvidus fought the beast single handed and was devoured.

Elidrus the dutiful (Rlidr) (60) Elidrusís brother Archgallo had to relenquish the crown to him do to his tyranny once reformed Elidurus relenquished the crown back to him. After ten years his brother died and once again he was King until his two younger brothers seized him and incarcerated him in a tower.  However once both his brothers passed away he again regained the throne.

Gerennus (Geraent) (61)

Catellus (Badell) (62)

Millus (Coel) (63)

Porrexx II (Parex) (64)

Cherin (Ceryn) (65)

Andraglus (Andrew) (66)

Urianus (Urien) (67)

Ellud (Ithel) (68)

Cledaucus (Clydawg) (69)

Clotenus (Elydus) (70)

Gurguntlus (Gwrigust) (71)

Merianus (Merec - b. 400 BC) (72)

Bledudo (Bleuddyd) (73)

Cap (Cascho) (74)

Oenus (Owen) (75)

Sissillius III (Seissilt) (76)

Archmail (Arthafel) (77)

Eldol (Eidiol) (78)

Redon (Rhidion) (Rydon) BC 200 (79)

Redechius (Rytherch) (80)

Samull (Sawl Benisel) (81)

Penessil (82)

Pir (Pyr) (83)

Capoir (84)

Digueillus (Munyon) (Bran the Blessed) (85)  Again the line regains the Crown of Britian.  "Before the days of King Aethelson, the Prince of Wales bore the Lion Ram The Lion of Judea-en-Combat their badge of specific inheritance from the alliance of Anna daughter of Joseph of Arimethea with King of Wales, Munyon who became the parents of the renowned King Beli Mawr whose Welsh descent was from Miletus, founder of the Royal lines of (modern) Ireland - (see Hart for Irish lines) - (Last King of all Wales was Rhodri Mawr - slain 873 AD - Mawr means the great)

Heil or Beli Mawr (Belinus Magnus) (86) was King for forty years.  This is an excerpt from Bloodline of the Holy Grail:

ìIn Wales, the early rulers of Powys and Gwynedd descended from Avallach in the line of Beli Mawr (sometimes called Bili, Billi or Heli).  Beli the Great (Mawr) - a 1st-century BC overlord of the Britons - is a good example of a character whose time-frame is often confused because of the fables that have grown around him.  His grandson was the Archdruid Bran the Blessed (son-in-law of James/Joseph of Arimethea).  By virtue of their historical association, Beli and Bran are often muddled with the earlier brothers Belinus and Brennus (the sons of Porrex) (see above) who contended for power in northern Britain in around 390 BC, and were regarded as gods in old Celtic tradition.

ìMore potential confusion arises in that Bran the Blessed is often cited as 'father' of Caractacus.  They were indeed contemporaries in the 1st century AD, but Caractacus' father was Cymbeline of Camulod.  The persistent anomaly has fostered no end of complications in books dealing with lineage in the Dark Ages, but the cause is easily explained.  Bran's father, in descent from Beli Mawr, was King Llyr (Lear).  Some generations later, in succession from King Lucius, the names were repeated during the 3rd and 4th centuries.  The later Welsh chief Llyr Llediath was the father of another Bran, father of Caradawc (a variant on the name Caractacus or Caratacus).  A further cause of confusion lies in the fact that, as Archdruid, Bran was designated 'patriarchal' Father.  In symbolic terms, therefore, Bran would indeed have been the 'father' of Caractacus, just as Eleazer Annas and Simon Zelotes were Jesus's spiritual 'fathers' in Judaea.

ìFrom the name Beli or Billi London's Billingsgate is partly derived.  His descendant, Avallach, was the grandson of Joseph of Arimethea's daughter Anna, the wife of the Archdruid Bran the Blessed.  Joseph's own wife was also called Anna (meaning grace).  As previously discussed, Avallach was a descriptive title and, in the same way, the name Beli was also titular - denoting a 'sovereign lord'.  As such, it too was historically repetitive.  Another descendant of Beli Mawr was King Llud (after whom London's Ludgate is partly named).  He was the progenitor of the kingly houses of Colchester, Siluria, and Strathclyde, and his family celebrated key marriages into the lineage of Joseph of Arimethea (St. James the Just).  From among the Welsh princes in Arimetheac succession emerged the founders and local rulers of Brittany (Little Britain), a Frankish region that had previously been called Amorica ([land] facing the sea).  Another very early Davidic line, which progressed through Ugaine Mar (4th century BC), maintained the lordship of Ireland as High Kings (Ard Ri) of Tara.

ìKing Lludís grandson, the mighty Cymbeline (father of Cractacus), was the ëPendragoní of mainland Britain during Jesusís lifetime.  The Pendragon, or ëHead Dragon of the Islandí (Pen Draco Insularis) was the King-of-Kings and ëGuardian of the Celtic Isleí. The title was not dynastic; Pendragons were appointed from the Celtic royal stock by a Druid council of elders.  Cymbeline governed the Belgic tribes of the Catuvellauni and Trinovantes from his seat at Colchester - the most impressive Iron Age fort in the land.  Colchester was then called Camulod (or Romanized, Camulodunum) - from the Celtic camu lot meaning ëcurved lightí.  This fortified settlement became the later model for the similarly named court of Camelot in Arthurian romance.  North of Cymbelineí domain, in Norfolk, the people known as the Iceni were ruled by King Prasutagus, whose wife was the famous Boudicca (or Boudicea).  She led the great, but unsuccessful, tribal revolt against Roman domination from AD 60 - yelling her famous war-cry ëY gwir erbyn y Bydí (ëThe Truth against the Worldí).  It was immediately after this that Joseph of Arimethea came from Gaul to set up his Glastonbury church in the face of Roman imperialism.

ìThe concept of the dragon in Celtic mythology emerged directly from the holy crocodile (the Messeh) of the ancient Egyptians.  The Pharoahs were anointed with crocodile fat, and thereby attained the fortitude of the Meseh (thus Messiah - Anointed One).  The image of the intrepid Messeh evolved to become the Dragon, which in turn became emblematic of mighty kingship.  The imperial Romans displayed a purple dragon on their standard, and it is this symbol that is depicted in Revelation 12:3, when Michael confronts the ëdragon with seven headsí.  As we have seen earlier, the dragon in this instance was Rome: known historically as the City of the Seven Kings (or heads - the number of kings before the republic was formed).

ìThe Celtic kings in Britain were called ëdragonsí in the ancient Messeh tradition as intrepid guardians.  But there were many separate kingdoms in those days before England gained an overall monarch in Saxon times.  It was therefore necessary to appoint a King-of-Kings - a High King to preside overall, and to lead combined armies from different tribal areas.  The first Pendragon (Head Dragon/High King) was Cymbeline.

ìFollowing the Romansí withdrawal from Britain in 410, regional leadership reverted to tribal chieftains.  One of these was Vortigern of Powys in Wales, whose wife was the daughter of the previous Roman governor, Magnus Maximus.  Having assumed full control of Powys by 418, Vortigern was elected Pendragon of the Isle in 425, and took to himself the dragon emblem - the emblem which became the red dragon on the national flag of Wales.

ìBy that time, various kingly branches had emerged in the Arimatheac lines from Anna and Bran the Blessed.  Among the most prominent of these local kings was Cunedda, the northern ruler of Manau, by the Firth of Forth.  In a parallel family branch was the wise Coel Hen who led the ëMen of the Northí (the Gwy-y-Gogledd).  Fondly remembered in nursery-rhyme as Old King Cole, he governed the northern regions of Rheged from his Cumbrian seat at Carlisle.  Another noted leader was Ceretic, a descendant of King Lucius.  From his base at Dumbarton he governed the regions of Cydesdale.  Together with Vortigern, these three kings were the most powerful overlords in 5th-century Britain.  Their were the families who also bore the most famous Celtic saints, and were accordingly known as ëHoly Families of Britainí.

ìIn the middle 400s, Cunedda and his sons led their armies into North Wales to expel unwanted Irish settlers at the request of Vortigern.  In so doing, Cunedda founded the Royal House of Gwynedd in the Welsh coastal region west of Powys.  The Picts of Caledonia in the far north then took advantage of Cuneddaís absence, and began a series of border raids across Hadrianís Wall.  An army of Germanic Jute mercenaries, led by Hengest and Horsa, was swiftly imported to repel the invaders - but when they had succeeded, the mercenaries turned their attentions to the far south, and seized the kingdom of Kent for themselves.  Other Germanic Saxon and Angle tribes subsequently invaded from Europe.  The Saxons took the south generally, developing the kingdoms of Wessex, Essex, Middlesex and Sussex.  The Angles occupied the rest of the land from the Severn estuary to Hadrianís Wall, comprising Northumbria, Mercia and East Anglia.  The whole became known as ëEnglandí (Angle-land), and the new occupants called the Celtic western peninsula ëWalesí (Weallas [land of] foreigners).

ìBecause Ireland was separated by sea from the tempestuous British mainland, it became a perfect haven of monks and scholars.  (Eireland is said by some to mean ëland of peaceí - but the ancient name derived more directly from Eire-amhon, father of Eochaid I of Tara, who married the daughter of King Zedekiah of Judah in about 586 BC.)  A unique and indigenous culture thus developed in the form of Celtic Christianity.  It derived primarily from Egypt, Syria and Mesopotamia, and its precepts were distinctly Nazarene.  The liturgy was largely Alexandrian and, because Jesusís own teachings formed the basis of the faith, the Mosaic content of the Old Testament was duly retained.  The old Jewish marriage laws were observed, together with the celebrations of Sabbath and Passover, while the divinity of Jesus and the Roman dogma of the Trinity play no part of the doctrine.  The Celtic Church had no diocesan bishops but was essentially under the direction of abbots (monastic elders).  The whole was organized on a clan structure, with its activities focused on scholarship and learning.

ìCunedda remained in North Wales and, after Vortigernís death in 464, he succeeded as Pendragon, also becoming the supreme military commander of the Britons.  the holder of this other post was called the Guletic.  When Cunedda died, Vortigernís son-in-law Brychan of Brecknock became Pendragon, and Ceretic of Strathclyde became the military Guletic.  Meanwhile, Vortigernís grandson Aurelius - a man of considerable military experience - returned from Brittany to lend his weight against the Saxon incursion.  In his capacity as Druidic priest, Aurelius was designated ëPrince of the Sanctuaryí, the sanctuary in question being a holy chamber called Ambrius that was symbolically modeled on the ancient Hebrew Tabernacle (Exodus 25:8, ëAnd let them make me a sanctuary; that I may dwell among themí).  The Guardians of the Ambrius were individually styled ëAmbrosiusí, and wore scarlet mantles (cloaks).  From his fort in Snowdonia, Aurelius the Ambrosius maintained the military defense of the West, and succeeded as the Guletic when Brychan died.î

Ludd (- d. BC 62)

Casnar Wledig ap Lludd (Cauardd Weledig)

Llary ap Casnar Wledig (Llari)

Rhun Rhudd Baladr ap Llary (Run Rydd Baladr)

Bywdeg ap Rhun Rhudd Baladr (Rhyce Buwdig) b. 648 married abt 667-699 d. 681-739

Bywyr Lew ap Bywdeg (Homer Lew) b. 678 married abt 697-729 d. abt 711-769

Gwineu Deufreuddwyd ap Bywyr (Breuddyd) b. 708 m. abt 757-789 d. abt 771-829

Teon ap Gwineu Deufreduddwyd b. 738 m abt  757-789 d. abt  771-829

Tegonwy ap Teon (Tegonwy) b. 768 m. abt 787-789 d. abt 787-858

Iowerth Hirflawdd ap Hirflawdd1 (Ieruieth Her Vlawdd) b. 767 m. Arianwen Ferch Brychan abt 798-833. Arianwen daughter of Brychan ap Anlach and Prawst Ferch Tudwal.  d. abt 828-860

Idnerth ap Iowerth Hirflawdd2 b. 797 m abt 816-848 d. abt 830-888

Cadwr Wenwyn ap Idnerth (Catuer Wenwynwyn) b. 827 m abt 846-878 d. abt 876-934

Seferus ap Cadwr Wenwyn, Lord of Builth3  (Severns, Lord Buellt) b. 843 m Lleucu Ferch Morgan Mawr abt 862-894. daughter of Morgan Mawr ap Owain and Lleucu Ferch Enflew d. abt 876-934

Ifor, Prince of Ferllys 4, Lord of Builth (Ivor= Isabel, desc. of King of Powys) (Isabel's father, Morgan Mawr, is in the lineage of Arthwys - see below). b. 873 m Isabel Ferch Tyrffin abt 1000-1034 d. abt 1001-1067

Cyhelin ap Ifor, Lord of Builth b. 903 m.  Gwenllian Ferch Growy abt 948-980

Elystan Glodrydd ap Cyhelin, Lord of Ferlexland,  was born abt 1118 in Ferexland, Shropshire, England (or Hereford Castle, Hereford, England). He married Gwladys RHUN daughter of Eva AB GWRGANT and daughter of Rhun (LORD OF TREGARTON).  (Founder of the fourth royal tribe of Wales. (born 933, and living 1010 was Prince of Ferlyss, and founder of the Fourth Royal Tribe of Wales.  He married Gwladys, daughter and sole heir of Rhun, Lord of Tregarton.) He also married Gwenllian verch Einion daughter of Einion ap Hywel dda. Glodrydd is a title meaning The Renowned. Elystan dies in Cefnigoll, Wales and was buried in Trelystan, Montgomeryshire, Wales.

Cadwgan ap Elystan Glodrydd (Godwd = Eve, sister of Iestyn ap Gwrgan, King of Glamorgan) Lord of Builth, Radnor, Kerry, and Cedewain was born abt 1144. Founder of the Fifth Royal Tribe of Wales.

[I bought a very exciting book called, Journey to Avalon: The Final Discovery of King Arthur by Chris Barber and David Pykitt published by Samuel Weiser, Inc., P.O. Box 612, York Beach, ME 03910-0612.  They
treat the history of King Arthur from a genealogist's perspective.  Many
names in the book seem familiar probably because those Welsh names and
their many spellings are so unfamiliar to me.  There was one name that I
matched up perfectly:  Iestyn ap Gwrgan, King of Glamorgan.  His lineage is as follows:

Macsen Wledig (Maximus "the Imperator" d. 388)
Anhun Dunawd (Antonius Donatus)
Tewdrig Fendigaid ("the Blessed")
Arthwys (the legendary King Arthur)
Morgan Mwynfawr (Morcant "the Most Courteous")
Rhyhawd (Eil Morgan)
Morgan Morgannwg d. 665
Hywel d. 885
Owain d. 931
Morgan Mawr ("the Great"), also known as Morgan Hen ("the Aged") d. 974
Gwrgan d. 1042
Iestyn d. 1092/3I]

Idnerth LORD OF RADNOR (Idworth, Lord of Radnoshire)

From Ancestors and Descendants of John Price:




Einion Fychan


Einion, of Mochdref, and Kerry, Mont.

David, of Newton Hall

David Lloyd.  These two last were stewards to the House of York's Montgoneryshire estates.

Rhys, who was squire of the body to Edward IV, was slain at the battle of Danesmore, near Banbury, in 1469.  His descendants were known as Price (i.e. ap Rhys).

Thomas Pryce

Mathew Goch I (Red Matthew), who was sheriff of Montgomeryshire in 1548.  Matthew Price was twice married.  His first wife Joyce (Pryce) was daughter of Ieuan (Evan Gwynne) of Mynachdy, in the county of Radnor.

John Price, held position of sheriff in Montgomeryshire in 1566 and 1586, and sat in Parliament for Montgomeryshire Burrough in 1558-9, 1562-3 and 1567-8.

Matthew Price of Newton Hall

Richard Price I of Newton

Richard Price II, Gentleman of Manavon, Tanner. m. Ursala, dau. of David Middleton [Lewis Dwyn, Vol. 2, p. 330, 335, 348]

John Price, b. 1584-5 Immigrated to Virginia in 1610-11. d, in Virginia 1628-29.