Am incetat sa te caut prin vise si sperante desarte, I stopped looking for you in useless dreams and hopes,
Prin vaile muntilor si-in bratele coralilor, Through valleys of the mountains and in arms of the corals,
Caci in delirul dorintei mele Because in the delirium of my aspiration
Te-am descoperit simplu in cuvinte. I simply found you in words.
Si de atunci as vrea sa plutesc cu tine And since then I wish to float with you
Spre lumi de nimeni stiute, To worlds known of nobody,
Sa ne pierdem impreuna in cuvinte interzise Together to lose ourselves in forbidden words
Ce cu farmecul lor nebun Which with their insane charm
Te cuprind si de aseaza langa mine. They embrace and lay you down on me.
As vrea sa recreez Cuvantul din mine I wish to revive the Word from me
Spre a fi demna sa ma inalt la tine. So I can be worthy to climb up to you.
O, te rog, lasa-ma sa zbor cu tine, Oh, please, let me fly with you,
Sa ma izbesti cu fruntea de stele And strike me with my forehead to the stars
Ca sa ma pot desprinde in litere Thus I can detach myself in letters
Ce usor sa se astearna pe inima ta. Which slowly fall on your heart.
Imi e dor de acele noua zile de extaz si rugaciune I long for those nine days of ecstacy and prayer,
Cand cu pana ta ma intipareai in mare When you sealed me with your feather on the sea,
Si in zborul tau imi ridicai imnuri spre cer And when you rise for me anthems to the sky in your flight
Spre a nu ma uita niciodata, So you can never forget me,
Si cand in schimb eu iti ofeream And when I offered you in exchange
Caldura silabelor mele smulse din soare. The warmth of my syllables grabbed from the sun.
Lasa-ma sa ma rescriu sub aripile tale, Let me rewrite myself under your wings,
Lar tu, lasa-te cuprins de accentele mele And you let yourself be overcome by my accents
Ca impreuna sa formam And so we can build together
Un vers alb de imbratisare. A blank verse of embrace.
Cat as vrea sa ma rostesti mai des How I wish you to recite me more often,
Ca sa pot zabovi mai mult pe buzele tale For I need to linger more on your lips
Si tainic sa-ti patrund in gand. And secretly to enter in your thought.
De acum pastreaza-ma in inima ta From now on keep me in your heart
Ca pe un verb de limba moarta, Like a verb from a dead language,
Si nu vei regreta niciodata And you will never regret it
Caci pentru tine eu voi fi Because I always be for you
Tot ce mi-am dorit vreodata, What I always want,
Voi fi Unul, Primordialul. I will be The One, The Primordial.
By Cristina Hossu
(Bucharest; January 22, 1999)