Sharpness is East.
Forgetfulness is West.

There were many issues that were brought up in this piece that would go well in the chapters entitled, Dog or Mockingbird. Biological ethics arose concerning the use (or abuse) of the Earth. Many other day-world issues were addressed in the earlier part of the narrative concerning family and livelihood. As I said before, everything is mixed. I chose to put this narrative where I did because it would help make the distinction between the Muse/Lizard and Nancy herself. I must also admit that the original intent of the piece was to honor the Mother/Dog, but, because of Nancy's and my relationship, the piece dealt much more with the wildness and eroticism of nature which I associate with the Lizard/Muse. The Novena caused Nancy and me to focus less on our children and other responsibilities and more on each other; or the transcendental world of cosmic lovers. There were none of Mockingbird's inclinations to communicate with others. What we wanted most was our privacy, and possibly the altered state brought on by the Novena ritual. Most married couples (with children) will probably agree that any time spent as couple away from the children is likely to be an erotic experience "like a second honeymoon."

next page.

title page.